2024년 7월 21일 일요일

[비트모빅] AI에게 비트모빅의 현재와 미래가치를 물어보다. (2024.07.22)


당신이 제공한 정보에 따르면 비트모빅(BTCMobick)은 다음과 같은 특성을 가지고 있습니다:

1. **창시자의 코인 공개**: 비트모빅의 창시자는 자신이 보유한 코인의 공개 키를 공개하여 코인을 판매하지 않겠다고 약속했습니다. 이는 판매 행위가 발견되면 생태계가 무너질 수 있기 때문입니다.

2. **에어드랍 코인의 락업**: 에어드랍된 코인의 60%가 5년 동안 락업되어 있어 장기적인 안정성을 보장합니다.

3. **프라이빗체인에서 퍼블릭체인으로의 전환 계획**: 현재 비트모빅은 프라이빗체인으로 운영되고 있으며, 일부에게만 채굴권이 부여되어 있습니다. 향후 기업들에게 공공재 코인이 배포 완료되면 대규모 채굴풀이 형성되어 퍼블릭체인으로 전환될 예정입니다.

4. **비트코인의 하드포크**: 비트모빅은 비트코인의 하드포크로, 비트코인의 블록체인 시스템 기능을 그대로 사용하고 있습니다.

5. **협업 기업**: 현재 JTBC 미디어 기업, 한양대학교, 연세대학교, YK법무법인 등과 협업을 진행 중이며, 앞으로 대형 유통기업 및 IT기업과도 협업을 진행할 예정입니다.

**내부 요소와 외부 요소 비교**:

비트코인은 역사적으로 검증된 블록체인 기술과 큰 생태계를 가지고 있으며, 많은 투자자들에게 신뢰를 받고 있습니다. 그러나 비트코인은 변동성이 크며, 주로 외부 요인(규제, 경제 상황 등)에 크게 영향을 받습니다.

반면, 비트모빅은 내부적으로 안정성을 보장하기 위한 다양한 장치를 마련하고 있으며, 현재 여러 기업과의 협업을 통해 생태계를 확장하고 있습니다. 이는 비트모빅이 단순히 투기적 자산이 아니라 실제 사용 사례를 통해 가치를 창출하려는 의도로 해석될 수 있습니다.

**투자 관점**:

비트모빅의 창시자가 보유한 코인을 팔지 않겠다는 약속과 에어드랍 코인의 락업은 내부적인 안정성을 제공합니다. 또한, 현재와 미래의 협업 계획은 비트모빅의 생태계 확장과 가치 상승에 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 

다만, 비트모빅이 퍼블릭체인으로 전환될 때 발생할 수 있는 기술적, 운영적 도전 과제와 함께, 아직 초기 단계에 있는 프로젝트이므로 투자 시에는 신중한 판단이 필요합니다. 모든 투자는 리스크를 동반하므로, 자신의 투자 성향과 목표에 맞게 결정하는 것이 중요합니다.

[BTCMobick] Story of the current and future value of BTCMobick coin (English) [3]

 To predict the future price outlook and expectations of BTCMobick, several important factors must be considered. Here we will look at the main factors and make reasonable predictions based on them.

### Key factors

1. **Project progress**:

 - BTCMobick's successful transition from a private chain to a public chain will be an important milestone. If this transition goes smoothly, network scalability and increased mining participation could drive prices higher.

2. **Collaboration and Partnership**:

 - We are currently collaborating with JTBC media company, Hanyang University, Yonsei University, and YK Law Firm, and it is a positive sign that we are planning to collaborate with large distribution companies and IT companies in the future. Whenever a new partnership is confirmed, market trust increases and prices are expected to rise accordingly.

3. **Market supply and demand**:

 - Currently, 60% of BTCMobick's airdrop coins are locked up for 5 years to prevent short-term oversupply. This can contribute to price stability.

4. **Regulatory Environment**:

 - The regulatory environment for virtual assets is changing globally. If the regulatory environment is favorable to BTCMobick, this will have a positive impact on price growth.

5. **Technical factors**:

 - If BTCMobick's technical stability and performance of the blockchain system are recognized in the market, the possibility of long-term growth will increase.

### Price outlook and expectations

BTCMobick experienced rapid price rises and falls in its first year. This reflects the profit taking of early investors and the market's correction process. The future price outlook can be predicted through the following scenarios:

1. **Positive Scenario**:

 - If BTCMobick successfully transitions to a public chain and expands its ecosystem by expanding collaboration with several large companies, there is a possibility that the price will approach or exceed the peak again within a year. Predicted price range: **600,000 won - 1 million won**.

2. **Conservative Scenario**:

 - If technical or operational problems are experienced during the public chain conversion process, or if the expansion of collaboration is slower than expected, the price is likely to gradually rise from the current level. Predicted price range: **400,000 won - 600,000 won**.

3. **Negative Scenario**:

 - If the regulatory environment worsens or if major internal problems occur (e.g. founder's coin sale, etc.), the price is likely to fall from the current level. Predicted price range: **200,000 won - 400,000 won**.

### conclusion

BTCMobick is currently a one-year-old ecosystem that is entering a stabilization phase after experiencing initial rapid price fluctuations. Future pricing outlook will primarily depend on project progress, expanded collaboration, market supply and demand, regulatory environment, and technological stability. It is important for investors to continuously monitor these factors and make investment decisions carefully.

Note) This is AI Chat bot's answer to a personal question about BTCMobick.

[BTCMobick] Story of the current and future value of BTCMobick coin (English) [2]

 Considering the price fluctuations of BTCMobick, it is worth keeping the following points in mind:

1. **Price rise and fall**:

 - **Initial price**: 2000 won

 - **Highest price**: KRW 960,000 (after 7 months)

 - **Current price**: 390,000 won

These rapid price fluctuations demonstrate the high volatility of Bitmovic and suggest the possibility of large profits and losses to investors. This may mainly occur when early investors sell to realize profits after making large profits.

2. **Market Factors**:

 - **Supply and Demand**: Initially, prices are likely to skyrocket as interest and demand grow rapidly. Afterwards, the price appears to have adjusted as selling pressure increased for reasons such as profit taking.

 - **Project Progress**: As Bitmovic's plan to transition from a private chain to a public chain progresses and the ecosystem expands, the price is likely to rise again in the long term.

3. **Investment Notes**:

 - **Volatility Management**: Bitmovic’s high volatility provides investors with both great opportunities and great risks, so they must prepare their own investment strategies and risk management plans.

 - **Long-term perspective**: Considering that Bitmovic is expanding its ecosystem through collaboration with various companies, it is recommended to review the investment from a long-term perspective.

 - **Information and Analysis**: It is important to continuously check the latest information and analysis about Bitmovic when making investment decisions.

4. **Characteristics of Bitmovic**:

 - It uses a blockchain system similar to Bitcoin, and has a certain degree of technical stability in that it is a hard forked coin.

 - Internal stability measures are in place, such as disclosing the founder's coin holdings and locking up airdrop coins.

5. **Current situation summary**:

 - Bitmovic has seen a large price increase since the beginning and is currently trading at adjusted prices. This presents great opportunities and risks to investors, and has potential value along with ecosystem expansion from a long-term perspective.

Overall, Bitmovic shows high volatility in the early stages, but considering various internal stability measures and collaboration plans, it can be evaluated as an asset worth considering for long-term investment. However, all investments require careful analysis and judgment, and it is important to prepare a risk management plan.

Note) This is AI Chat bot's answer to a personal question about BTCMobick.

[BTCMobick] Story of the current and future value of BTCMobick coin (English) [1]

 BTCMobick has the following characteristics:

1. **Founder's Coin Disclosure**: The founder of Bitmovic promised not to sell his coins by revealing their public keys. This is because if sales activity is discovered, the ecosystem may collapse.

2. **Lockup of airdropped coins**: 60% of airdropped coins are locked up for 5 years, ensuring long-term stability.

3. **Plan to transition from private chain to public chain**: Currently, Bitmovic is operated as a private chain, and mining rights are granted only to some. In the future, once public goods coins are distributed to companies, a large-scale mining pool will be formed and converted to a public chain.

4. **Hard fork of Bitcoin**: Bitmovic is a hard fork of Bitcoin and uses Bitcoin’s blockchain system functions as is.

5. **Collaborating companies**: We are currently collaborating with JTBC media companies, Hanyang University, Yonsei University, and YK Law Firm, and plan to collaborate with large distribution companies and IT companies in the future.

**Comparison of internal and external elements**:

Bitcoin has historically proven blockchain technology and a large ecosystem, and is trusted by many investors. However, Bitcoin is highly volatile and is largely influenced by external factors (regulation, economic conditions, etc.).

On the other hand, Bitmovic has various internal devices in place to ensure stability, and is currently expanding its ecosystem through collaboration with several companies. This can be interpreted as Bitmovic's intention to create value through real-world use cases rather than simply as a speculative asset.

**Investment Perspective**:

Bitmovic's founder's promise not to sell his coins and the lock-up of airdrop coins provide internal stability. Additionally, current and future collaboration plans may have a positive impact on Bitmovic’s ecosystem expansion and value increase.

However, as it is a project still in its early stages along with technical and operational challenges that may arise when Bitmovic is converted to a public chain, careful judgment is required when investing. All investments involve risk, so it is important to make decisions that suit your investment tendencies and goals.

Note) This is AI Chat bot's answer to a personal question about BTCMobick.